

『日本甲状腺学会雑誌』 2018年増刊号(Vol.9 Suppl)


第2報 日本人の低ヨウ素食実施のための基本的方針と標準的献立の作成

Iodine restriction before radioiodine therapy - Standardized low iodine diet recipes for Japanese


第2報 日本人の低ヨウ素食実施のための基本的方針と標準的献立の作成

塚田 信*1,2,浦川由美子*1,3,山口 真由*1,4,田村 美香*1,5,北谷 直美*1,6,御前 隆*1,7
布施 養善*1,8,伊藤 充*1,9,臼井 由行*1,10,絹谷 清剛*1,11,高村 昇*1,12,中駄 邦博*1,13
野口 仁志*1,14,野口 靖志*1,15,横山 邦彦*1,16,吉村 弘*1,17,渡邊 奈津子*1,17
紫芝 良昌*18,入江 實*19

*1:日本甲状腺学会臨床重要課題「日本人のヨウ素栄養状態の全国実態調査と甲状腺疾患との関係」委員会「核医学診療における甲状腺疾患とヨウ素」ワーキンググループ,*2:女子栄養大学栄養科学研究所,*3:元 鎌倉女子大学家政学部管理栄養学科,*4:鎌倉女子大学家政学部管理栄養学科,*5:北光記念病院栄養科,*6:関西電力病院疾患栄養治療部,*7:「核医学診療における甲状腺疾患とヨウ素」ワーキンググループ委員長,天理よろづ相談所病院放射線部RI部門,*8:日本甲状腺学会臨床重要課題「日本人のヨウ素栄養状態の全国実態調査と甲状腺疾患との関係」委員長,帝京大学医学部小児科(リサーチフェロー),*9:隈病院内科,*10:岡山医療センター乳腺甲状腺外科,*11:金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系核医学,*12:長崎大学原爆後障害医療研究所国際保健医療福祉学研究分野,*13:北光記念病院放射線科,*14:野口病院内科,*15:野口病院放射線科,*16:松任石川中央病院PETセンター,*17:伊藤病院内科,*18:日本甲状腺学会臨床重要課題「日本人のヨウ素栄養状態の全国実態調査と甲状腺疾患との関係」委員会副委員長/ ゆうてんじ内科,*19:日本甲状腺学会臨床重要課題「日本人のヨウ素栄養状態の全国実態調査と甲状腺疾患との関係」委員会顧問/ 東邦大学(名誉教授)

Key words
◉ 低ヨウ素食,◉ ヨウ素制限,◉ 131I ,◉ 内用療法,◉ 甲状腺機能亢進症,◉ 甲状腺癌


Iodine restriction before radioiodine therapy - Standardized low iodine diet recipes for Japanese

Nobu Tsukada*1,2, Yumiko Urakawa*1,3, Mayu Yamaguchi*1,4, Mika Tamura*1,5, Naomi Kitatani*1,6, Takashi Misaki*1,7, Yozen Fuse*1,8, Mitsuru Ito*1,9, Yoshiyuki Usui*1,10, Seigo Kinuya*1,11, Noboru Takamura*1,12, Kunihiro Nakada*1,13, Hitoshi Noguchi*1,14, Yasushi Noguchi*1,15, Kunihiko Yokoyama*1,16, Hiroshi Yoshimura*1,17, Natsuko Watanabe*1,17, Yoshimasa Shishiba*18, Minoru Irie*19

*1:Working group for“Thyroid diseases and iodine intake in nuclear medicine practice”within the Committee for“Relationship between iodine intake and thyroid diseases in Japan”of the Japan Thyroid Association, *2:Kagawa Nutrition University Institute of Nutritional Sciences, *3:Formerly Kamakura Women’s University Faculty of Family and Consumer Science, *4:Kamakura Women’s University Faculty of Family and Consumer Science, *5:Department of Nutrition, Hokko Memorial Hospital, *6:Center for Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition, Kansai Electric Power Hospital, *7 Chair of the working group;Tenri Hospital Radioisotope Center, *8:Chair of the committee;Research fellow, Department of Pediatrics, Teikyo University Faculty of Medidine, *9:Department of Internal Medicine, Kuma Hospital, *10:Department of Breast and Thyroid Surgery, National Hospital Organization Okayama Medical Center, *11:Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, *12:Nagasaki University Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, *13:Department of Radiology, Hokko Memorial Hospital, *14:Department of Internal Medicine, Noguchi Hospital, *15:Department of Radiology, Noguchi Hospital, *16:PET Imaging Center, Public Central Hospital of Matto Ishikawa, *17:Department of Internal Medicine, Ito Hospital, *18:Co-chair of the committee;Yutenji Medical Clinic,*19:Adviser of the committee;Emeritus professor, Toho University

Key words
Low iodine diet, Iodine restriction, I-131, Radioiodine therapy, Hyperthyroidism, Thyroid cancer

Iodine restriction is widely used before the treatment with radioactive iodine for thyroid cancer or hyperthyroidism. There is no standard method of iodine restriction because the amount and source of iodine intake depends on the dietary habit in different countries. In 2014 we surveyed on the practical method of iodine restriction in the institutions that treat a patient with radioactive iodine in Japan. With using this survey results and the updated reports on the iodine contents of foods we compiled a food guide including three food categories, that is, ‘avoided’, ‘permitted with caution’ and ‘permitted’ foods. The recommended recipes in cookbook for low iodine diet consists of ‘principle foods’, ‘main dishes’, ‘large side dishes’, ‘small side dishes’ and ‘soup’ with iodine content. Patients choose food menu items from the cookbook in order to take iodine under the specific cut-off level of daily iodine intake. In future a larger cohort study on the therapeutic efficacy of low-iodine diet on radioiodine therapy is necessary by using a standardized iodine restriction method.
