

『日本甲状腺学会雑誌』2019年10月号(Vol.10 No.2)








18歳以下のBasedow病患者に131I 内用療法は推奨されるか?


131I 内用療法後,挙児計画はいつから許可するか?(男性の場合)





吉原 愛


Key Word
◉ 潜在性甲状腺機能低下症(Subclinical hyperthyroidism),◉ 甲状腺自己抗体(Thyroid autoimmunity),◉ TSH,◉ 流早産(Pregnancy loss and preterm birth),◉ 補充療法(Levothyroxine)


Management of thyroid function in pregnant women with subclinical thyroid disease or thyroid autoimmunity and a natural conception

Ai Yoshihara

Medical Director, Department of Internal Medicine, Ito Hospital

Key Word
Subclinical hypothyroidism, Thyroid autoimmunity, TSH, Pregnancy loss and preterm birth, Levothyroxine

Thyroid hormone levels change during pregnancy, mainly because of increased estrogen, thyroid-binding globulin, and human chorionic gonadotropin levels. Th e reference ranges of thyrotropin (TSH), free triiodothyronine, and free thyroxin change throughout pregnancy. Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) during the first trimester has been reported to be associated with increased maternal and fetal complications, including increased rates of fetal loss, pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, and preterm delivery. Serum TSH measurements remain the principal means of assessing maternal thyroid status, and reference ranges should be defined in healthy thyroid antibody-negative pregnant women with optimal iodine intake and no thyroid illness. Thyroid autoimmunity has also been reported to be associated with fetal loss and preterm delivery, and one of the explanations for these complications is that mothers with thyroid autoimmunity tend to have an impaired thyroid response to human chorionic gonadotropin. Theoretically, treatment of SCH by levothyroxine supplementation should reduce the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. However, there have been discrepancies in the results of studies on the effect of levothyroxine supplementation on naturally conceived pregnancies. A recent meta-analysis confirmed the effectiveness of levothyroxine supplementation, especially in mothers with thyroid autoimmunity who had conceived naturally. Further large randomized controlled trials are needed to be able to draw definite conclusions.


小林 佐紀子


Key Word
◉ 不妊(Infertility),◉ 生殖補助医療(Assisted reproductive technology),◉ 抗甲状腺自己抗体(Antithyroid antibodies),◉ 橋本病(Hashimoto disease),◉ 甲状腺機能低下症(Hypothyroidism)

 甲状腺機能異常や抗甲状腺自己抗体と不妊の関連が示唆されている。顕性甲状腺機能低下症は不妊と関連する可能性があり,顕性甲状腺機能低下症の女性に対しては積極的にLT4補充を行うべきとされる。潜在性甲状腺機能低下症はTSH>基準範囲上限かつFT4正常と定義されるが,特に生殖補助医療(Assisted reproductivetechnology:ART)を行われる症例においてTSH>2.5μU/mLと不妊との関連を示唆する報告があり,複数の報告で,潜在性甲状腺機能低下に対するTSH 2.5μU/mL未満を指標としたLT4補充が妊娠率を上昇させることが示されている。現時点まででTSH 2.5μU/mLから基準範囲上限(甲状腺機能正常範囲低め)と不妊との関連を明確に示した報告はないようである。抗甲状腺自己抗体と妊孕性の関連の可能性が示唆されているが,最近のランダム化比較試験で,甲状腺機能正常,抗甲状腺ペルオキシダーゼ抗体陽性の体外受精施行例に対するLT4補充は体外受精の成績を改善しなかった。今後のエビデンスの集積が待たれる。

Women with normal thyroid or Hashimoto disease who are undergoing infertility therapy(assisted reproductive technology)

Sakiko Kobayashi

Assistant Professor, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Keio University, School of Medicine

Key Word
Infertility, Assisted reproductive technology, Antithyroid antibodies, Hashimoto disease, Hypothyroidism

There are evidence indicating the association of infertility with thyroid dysfunction and thyroid autoimmunity. Despite imperfect data, majority of evidences appears to support an association between overt hypothyroidism and an increased risk of infertility and it is reasonable to treat overt hypothyroidism in infertile women. Subclinical hypothyroidism is defined as a TSH concentration elevated beyond the upper limit of the reference range with normal FT4 level. There is a report indicating the association between subclinical hypothyroidism defined as TSH level higher than 2.5μU/mL and infertility. In some studies, LT4 supplementation on such cases improved ART outcomes. There are no studies clearly showing the association between infertility and TSH level between 2.5μU/mL and the upper limit of the reference range (low-normal thyroid function). The association between anti-thyroid antibodies and infertility is shown in some studies, however, in the recent randomized clinical trial, LT4 supplementation on women with normal thyroid function and thyroid autoimmunity undergoing in vitro fertilization did not improve outcomes.




窪田 純久


Key Word
◉ 妊娠初期(early stage of pregnancy),◉ Basedow病(Graves’ disease),◉ ガイドライン(guideline),
◉ 薬物治療(drug treatment)

 『バセドウ病治療ガイドライン2019』のFCQ(Foreground Clinical Question)1には,「妊娠初期における薬物治療は,第一選択薬として何が推奨されるか?」という質問が選択された。『バセドウ病治療ガイドライン2011』が作成された時点では曖昧であったチアマゾール(MMI)の催奇形性が明らかになり,プロピルチオウラシル(PTU)にも催奇形性が疑われる報告が提出されるというなかで,今回のガイドラインは作成された。ステートメントでは,MMIを避けるべき期間を妊娠5週0日から9週6日までと明確にし,MMIを内服中であれば妊娠9週6日までに休薬するか,PTUや無機ヨウ素薬に変更することを強く推奨するとした。PTUにはMMIよりも副作用の頻度が高く,重篤な副作用があるため,妊娠初期のPTUの使用は弱く推奨することになった。妊娠初期の無機ヨウ素薬の使用または併用を,弱い推奨ではあるが明確に認めることになった。ステートメントの内容をわかりやすく解説し,POEM Study,欧州甲状腺学会,米国甲状腺学会のガイドラインについても言及した。

Which drug are recommended in early pregnant women with Graves’ disease as first-line treatment?

Sumihisa Kubota

Director, Kubota Clinic

Key Word
Early stage of pregnancy, Graves’ disease, Guideline, Drug treatment

The question "For what is recommended as first-line drug treatment for early stage of pregnancy?" was selected for FCQ(Foreground Clinical Question)1 of Graves’ Disease Treatment Guideline 2019. The evidence of teratogenicity of Thiamazole(MMI), which was ambiguous at the time when Graves’ Disease Treatment Guideline 2011 was published, has been clarified, and unfortunately, the researcher in Denmark reported the teratogenicity of propylthiouracil(PTU) in 2014. Th is guideline has been prepared in such a difficult situation. In the statement we strongly recommended that patients should avoid MMI from 5 weeks 0 day to 9 weeks 6 days gestation, and in a patient taking MMI, the physician should consider withdrawal medication or switched to PTU or potassium iodide by 9 weeks 6 days gestation. The use of PTU in early pregnancy was weakly recommended because PTU has more frequent side effects than MMI and has serious side effects. The use of potassium iodide in early pregnancy was weakly recommended but mentioned in the statement. I explained the contents of the statements, and mentioned the POEM Study, guideline of the European Thyroid Association, and the guidelines of American Thyroid Association in this article.


西原 永潤


Key words
◉ 無顆粒球症(Agranulocytosis),◉ 顆粒球コロニー形成刺激因子(Granulocyte colony stimulating factor(G-CSF)),◉ Basedow病(Graves’ disease),◉ 抗甲状腺薬(Anti-thyroid drugs)

 無顆粒球症は抗甲状腺薬の重症副作用の一つで,その発症頻度は約0.3%である。1990年頃からgranulocytecolony stimulating factor(G-CSF)製剤が無顆粒球症の治療に用いられるようになり,今回『バセドウ病治療ガイドライン2019』でFCQ2として取り上げられている。このクリニカルクエスチョンに対して,システマティックレビューを通じて,9研究が主要なエビデンスとなった。そこから得られた2つの推奨は,①顆粒球数100/μL以上の無症候性無顆粒球症の場合には,低用量のG-CSF投与にて顆粒球数回復の有無を確認し入院加療必要性の判断に有用であること,②顆粒球数100/μL未満の重症無顆粒球症では,高用量のG-CSF投与にて罹病期間を短縮させる可能性があることである。ただし,限られた数の観察研究が根拠になっているので,推奨グレードは弱いものになっている。

Is G-CSF treatment recommended for patients developing agranulocytosis?

Eijun Nishihara

Associate Director, Department of Internal Medicine, Kuma Hospital

Key words
Agranulocytosis, Granulocyte colony stimulating factor(G-CSF), Graves’ disease, Anti-thyroid drug

Agranulocytosis is one of serious side effects caused by antithyroid drugs with an incidence of approximately 0.3%. Since the 1990s, the granulocyte colony stimulating factor(G-CSF)has been administrated for patients developing agranulocytosis. This topic is selected as FCQ 2 in “Guideline for the Treatment of Graves’ disease in Japan 2019.” In the systematic review process for this clinical question, 9 reports have been involved in the key evidence. Two recommendations are as follows:1) for asymptomatic patients with agranulocytosis(100/μL or more), it is useful to judge the necessity for hospitalization by recovery levels of granulocyte number after low-dose G-CSF administration, 2)for severe patients with agranulocytosis(less than 100/μL), high-dose G-CSF administration may shorten the duration of illness. However, the grading of each recommendation is weak based on a limited number of observational studies.


内田 豊義


Key Word
◉ Basedow病(Graves’ disease),◉ ヨウ素(Iodine),◉ ヨウ素制限(Iodine restriction),◉ 治療効果(Therapeutic efficacy),◉ 再発(Recurrence)

 Basedow病治療効果および再発にヨウ素摂取量が及ぼす影響にはさまざまな意見がある。おそらく研究背景にある元来のヨウ素摂取量の違うため,介入方法が異なることが影響している。つまり,適正・過剰状態を摂取制限により摂取量を減らすべきなのか(非制限→制限),ヨウ素欠乏状態を補充により適正化すべきなのか(制限→非制限),これらの結果を同じ土俵で考えることは難しい。すでにヨウ素欠乏状態にあるBasedow病患者へのヨウ素補充は,治療効果および再発への悪影響があると考えられ,疫学的にもヨウ素欠乏地域における欠乏対策の負の影響としても知られている。一方で,東アジアにおいては元来のヨウ素摂取状況にかかわらず,介入によるヨウ素摂取量の適正化は,治療効果および再発への悪影響は認めない。ゆえに少なくとも東アジア3 ヵ国(日本・中国・韓国)において,抗甲状腺薬服用中および治療後にヨウ素制限は推奨されない。

Is there a role for iodine restriction during treatment or after remission of Graves’ disease?

Toyoyoshi Uchida

Associate Professor, Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, Juntendo University

Key Word
Graves’ disease, Iodine, Iodine restriction, Therapeutic efficacy, Recurrence

The impact of iodine restriction on the prognosis of Graves’ disease remains controversial. One of the reasons is due to the difference in original iodine condition in each country, and the different interventions among studies. Compared with the prognosis of Graves’ disease under iodine-deficient conditions, such as those in European countries, in the late 20th century, the prognosis of Graves’ disease under iodine-adequate conditions with the use of iodine supplementation in iodine deficiency has gotten worse in terms of normalization of thyrotoxicosis and recurrence after remission. However, in East Asian countries, in the 21st century, any iodine intervention to normalize iodine conditions present no adverse effects on Graves’ thyrotoxicosis and its recurrence after remission. Based on the evidence reported in recent Asian researches, in the up-date edition of Japan Thyroid Association treatment guidelines for Graves’ disease, iodine restriction is not recommended during the treatment of patients with Graves’ disease and during the observation period after disease remission.

18歳以下のBasedow病患者に131I 内用療法は推奨されるか?

今泉 美彩


Key Word
◉ Basedow病(Graves’ disease),◉ 131I 内用療法(radioactive iodine therapy),◉ 小児(children),◉ がんリスク(cancer risk),放射線管理(radiation safety management)

 『バセドウ病治療ガイドライン2019』では,18歳以下のBasedow病患者の131I 内用療法について6歳から18歳以下では他の治療法が困難である場合にのみ容認,5歳未満は禁忌となっている。この推奨はこれまでの日本のガイドラインを踏襲しており,米国のガイドラインとは,他の治療法が困難である場合にのみという条件を示している点で異なる。131I 内用療法後の癌リスクについて,小児で十分な対象者数で検討した研究はない。成人の研究結果は必ずしも一貫性はなく,メタ解析では全癌発症と死亡については有意な上昇はないが,特定臓器の癌リスクについてはさらなる検討の必要性が示唆されている。小児は成人より各臓器の吸収線量が高いこと,放射線被曝による癌リスクが高いことから,理論的には小児の131I 内用療法において癌リスクの上昇が否定できない。また,放射線の安全管理においても確実に遂行できるとは言い難く,可能な限り他の治療法を優先すべきとされた。131I 投与量や年齢のカットオフについては今後の検討が必要である。

Is radioactive iodine therapy recommended for patients with Graves’ disease aged 18 years?

Misa Imaizumi

Department of Nagasaki Clinical Studies Radiation Effects Research Foundation, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Nagasaki University Hospital

Key Word
Graves’ disease, radioactive iodine therapy, children, cancer risk, radiation safety management

“The 2019 Guideline for Treatment of Graves’ Disease” recommends that radioactive iodine(RAI) therapy is acceptable in patients aged 6-18 years only when no other treatment can be conducted and that it should be avoided in children aged<5 years. Th is recommendation follows previous recommendations of Japanese guidelines and differs from that of the American guideline in the point that RAI therapy is acceptable only when no other treatment can be conducted. Cancer risks after RAI therapy in children have not been studied with enough sample size. In studies of adult patients, findings have been inconsistent. In a meta-analysis, no increased risk for cancer incidence or mortality was observed while it was suggested that cancer risks of specific organs needed to be further investigated. In children, absorbed organ dose is higher than that in adults and there is a higher radiation risk of cancer. Other treatments should be selected as possible because theoretical concern of increased cancer risk exists and appropriate radiation safety managements may not be conducted in RAI therapy for children. Further studies are required in adequate administrative 131I dose and cut-off value of age.

FCQ5.授乳中のバセドウ病患者にMMI, PTU,無機ヨウ素薬は推奨されるか?

小林 佐紀子


Key Word
◉ Basedow病(Graves’ disease),◉ 授乳(Lactation),◉ 抗甲状腺薬(Antithyroid drug),◉ ヨウ素(Iodine),◉ ヨウ化カリウム(Potassium iodine)

 昨今,母乳育児の母児への短期的・長期的な利点が明らかにされ,母乳保育の重要性が注目されている。授乳中のBasedow病患者に抗甲状腺薬や無機ヨウ素薬を投与するかどうかは,これらの薬剤の母乳からの移行による児への悪影響と授乳中止自体の母児への不利益の兼ね合いで決定されるべきである。『バセドウ病治療ガイドライン2019』のFCQ5では授乳中のBasedow病患者に抗甲状腺薬や無機ヨウ素薬の投与が推奨されるかどうかについてのシステマティックレビューを行った。推奨を①MMI 10 mg/日またはPTU 300 mg/日までは児の甲状腺機能をチェックすることなく投与が可能である。②無機ヨウ素は乳児の甲状腺機能維持に必須ではあるが,授乳中のBasedow病治療量の無機ヨウ素薬の投与は児に甲状腺機能低下症を生じる可能性があり,可能な限り避けることが推奨されるとした。

Should breast feeding mothers with Graves’ disease be treated with MMI, PTU or potassium iodine?

Sakiko Kobayashi

Assistant Professor, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine

Key Word
Graves’ disease, Lactation, Antithyroid drug, Iodine, Potassium iodine

Recent epidemiological and biological findings expand on known benefits on breastfeeding for women and children. Th e decision to treat hyperthyroidism in lactating women with Graves’ disease should be made on the basis of the balance between the risk of the harmful effect of antithyroid drugs(ATDs) or potassium iodine to breastfed infant through mothers’ milk and the risk of stopping treatment of mothers. In the FCQ5 of 2019 Japanese Thyroid Association guideline for the management of Graves’ disease, a systematic review was performed to assess whether treatment of breastfeeding mothers with ATDs or potassium iodine is recommended or not. The recommendation was 1) MMI(up to 10 mg/day) and PTU(up to 300 mg/day) can be administered without checking thyroid function of breastfed infant and 2) although iodine is essential nutrient for thyroid hormone production of infants, to treat breastfeeding women with potassium iodine with the dose treating Graves’ disease should be avoided because of the possible risk of causing hypothyroidism in breastfed infant.

131I 内用療法後,挙児計画はいつから許可するか? (男性の場合)

渡邊 奈津子


Key Word
◉ 挙児計画(Pregnancy plan),◉ 避妊(Contraception),◉ 男性(Male),◉ Basedow病(Graves’ disease),◉ 131I 内用療法(Radioactive iodine therapy)

 Basedow病男性において131I 内用療法後に,不妊や流早産,児の先天奇形,悪性腫瘍誘発,遺伝子異常などのリスクが増加したとのエビデンスはない。しかしながら,精子形成は放射線に対する影響を受けやすく遺伝子異常を生じやすい減数分裂を経るため,遺伝子異常発生のリスクがある。精子形成の過程である約3 ~ 4ヵ月以上期間をおけば被曝した精子は新たな精子に置き換えられ,被曝の影響は消失するため,精子への被曝の点から挙児計画は131I 内用療法後4 ヵ月過ぎてからが強く推奨される。甲状腺機能亢進症では精子の運動能や精巣ホルモンの産生能が低下し,甲状腺機能正常化によって回復する。131I 内用療法後の甲状腺機能が安定するまでの期間は6ヵ月間とされており,甲状腺機能安定化の点も踏まえ,131I 内用療法後6ヵ月過ぎてから挙児計画が推奨される。ただし,精子の運動能低下や精巣ホルモン異常の回復を待つ必要性は明らかではないため,弱い推奨とした。

When to allow pregnancy plan after radioactive iodine therapy for male Graves’ disease?

Natsuko Watanabe

Ito Hospital,Medical Director of Internal Medicine

Key Word
Pregnancy plan, Contraception, Male, Graves’ disease, Radioactive iodine therapy

There is no evidence that male Graves’ disease increased the risk of subsequent infertility, premature labor, congenital malformations, induction of malignant tumors, and genetic abnormalities in children after radioactive iodine therapy. However, since the spermatogenesis process including meiosis, which is susceptible to radiation exposure and prone to genetic abnormalities, there is a risk of the occurrence of genetic abnormalities. After the period of about 3-4 months or more, which is the process of spermatogenesis, the exposed sperm will be replaced with the matured new sperm, and the effects of exposure will be negligible. Therefore, from the point of radiation exposure, the pregnancy plan is strongly recommended 4 months after radioactive iodine therapy for male Graves’ disease. In hyperthyroidism, sperm motility and testicular hormone production are decreased and restored by normalization of thyroid function. The period until the thyroid function stabilizes after radioactive iodine therapy is assumed to be 6 months, the pregnancy plan is recommended 6 months after radioactive iodine therapy is recommended in consideration of the stablization of thyroid function. However, the need to wait for the recovery of sperm motility and the recovery of testicular hormone abnormalities is not evident, so it is weakly recommended.




廣嶋 省太*1, 2,長崎 啓祐*1, 2


Key Word
◉ ヨウ素,◉ 甲状腺機能異常,◉ 昆布,◉ 無痛性甲状腺炎

 昆布などの海藻類の過剰摂取による一過性甲状腺機能低下症は,成人で報告されているが,小児例はほとんどない。われわれは「おしゃぶり昆布」や「昆布おにぎり」など小児の習慣的なヨウ素摂取を背景に甲状腺機能異常を認めた2例を報告する。症例1は10歳女児。健診でLDL-C低値および頻脈を認めた。甲状腺中毒症を認め,経過から無痛性甲状腺炎と診断した。甲状腺自己抗体は陰性で,尿中総ヨウ素濃度(UIC)は高値であった。「昆布おにぎり」の日常的摂取が判明し,摂取制限した。以後,甲状腺機能は改善しUICも低下した。症例2は12歳女児。無痛性甲状腺炎の既往あり。定期診察時に甲状腺機能低下とUICの高値を認めた。「おしゃぶり昆布」の日常的摂取が判明し,摂取制限した。1 ヵ月後甲状腺機能は改善し,UICも低下した。昆布はこどもの間食やおにぎりの具材として習慣的に摂取される場合があり,小児でもヨウ素過剰摂取が甲状腺機能異常に寄与する可能性があることを啓蒙すべきである。

Two pediatric patients with thyroid dysfunction induced by regular ingestion of large quantity kelp seaweed.

Shota Hiroshima*1, Keisuke Nagasakia*2

*1:Department of Pediatrics, Uonuma institute of Community Medicine Niigata University Hospital, Japan,
* 2:Department of Pediatrics,Niigata University Medical & Dental Hospital,Japan

Key Word
Iodine, thyroid dysfunction, seaweed, painless thyroiditis

Transient hypothyroidism induced by large amount of seaweed has been reported in adults, but few cases have been reported in children. We report two pediatric cases who developed thyroid dysfunction induced by iodine excess by regularly consuming “pacifier kelp” or “sea kelp rice balls”. Case 1:A 10-year-old girl was found to have low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and tachycardia in her school medical checkup. She was diagnosed with painless thyroiditis based on the clinical course. Antithyroid autoantibodies were negative, and the total urinary iodine concentration (UIC) was high. Since the patient used to eat sea kelp rice balls regularly we restricted this habit. Subsequently, her thyroid function improved and UIC decreased. Case 2:A 12-year-old girl with painless thyroiditis was found to have hypothyroidism and high UIC during a regular medical visit. Because she used to eat pacifier kelp regularly we restricted the habit. Her thyroid function was improved and UIC decreased in a short period of a month. Since Japanese children tend to consume seaweed as snack or for rice ball filling we should raise awareness that iodine excess may induce thyroid dysfunction.
